Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

What Are You Learning Today?

habits intentional life routine

 What Are You Learning Today?

 When is the last time you learned something new simply because you wanted to? We often find ourselves too busy to take time to do things that are good for us or that we enjoy. This is a habit you should definitely break, and one way to get out of that rut is to search for opportunities to learn something new every day. Whether big or small, formal or informal, educating yourself in various ways comes with a ton of benefits. Getting into the habit of exposing yourself to new information can improve your mind, your relationships, and your personal growth; it's a way to "air" out your Mental Room according to the Indian Proverb, A House With Four Rooms. Read on to discover the many benefits of lifelong learning.

Increased Networking

You’ll meet all kinds of people when you embark on new educational adventures. In both online and in-person learning environments, you have the chance to encounter people you otherwise would never meet. This could lead to a lot of great things, including new friendships, career opportunities, and more.

Deeper Personal Growth

Getting in the habit of learning new things stretches your boundaries and opens you up to new experiences. You have the chance to learn about yourself, the world around you, people’s motivations, specific subjects, and more.


Change is a fact of life. Expanding your comfort zone and exposing yourself to new ideas through lifelong learning makes you more comfortable with change and allows you to adapt more easily. This can help you tremendously in your work and personal relationships.

Higher Intelligence

Your cognitive capacity will increase as you expose yourself to new information. Your brain will start to build new neural pathways to accommodate all you’re learning. This will improve the efficiency of your cognitive abilities, making you a more efficient and better learner. You’ll just be smarter the more you learn, no matter what form that education takes.

More Happiness

Learning new things keeps you on your toes and stimulates your intellect. It helps you from falling into a boring rut and adds variety to your daily life. The insights, perspectives, and experiences you gain through your educational pursuits can be quite fulfilling. Constant exposure to new information can help both your cognitive and emotional well-being. It’s been shown that educational pursuits can help to ward off depression and improve memory.

These are just some of the many benefits that come from the pursuit of lifelong learning. Getting in the habit of looking for opportunities to learn will enhance your life greatly. An essential ingredient to living an Intentional Life is investing in your personal development. You can easily follow the philosophy of A House With Four Rooms by doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being...stretch yourself...learn something new today!

Until next time...



P.S. Don't forget to download your copy of The Power of Every Day Routine at Not only will you learn the routines of some successful famous people, but you’ll learn to implement your own healthy habits, routines, and rituals. AND, I shared 50 routines YOU can add to your daily routines...can you imagine the TRANSFORMATION in the next year if you only implemented one per week!




The life philosophy of A House With Four RoomsĀ suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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