Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Thoughts, Reflections, and Life


Thoughts, Reflections, and Life

Your thoughts create your feelings and your feelings lead to your actions...which all add up to your life. You create your life and it all starts with your thoughts. Whatever you believe and think will project through to how you live your life.

Too many people don’t believe this. They often attribute their misfortunes to fate or chance. And there are a lot of people that don’t do anything...they don’t make decisions and don’t take action. While there are some elements of this within our lives, how we think can alter our future.

If you tend to be a negative thinking person, you won’t see solutions where they exist. You will knock down any idea that comes your way, thinking it is not possible. Conversely, when you keep a positive outlook, every idea has the potential to become a solution. As a coach, I guide my clients to find the path much quicker and accept new ideas that will make a difference in their lives.

These scenarios of positive and negative thinking play out for people over and over again. Have you noticed that? Positive people advance where negative people stay in one place or even fall behind.

As a rule, you flock to people who share the same mental attitude...negativity will attract negative thinkers and positivity will attract positive thinkers. When you get a group of positive thinkers together, who are open to many ideas, the possibilities are endless.

Negative thinkers will simply find more excuses why their lives aren’t working for them, including finding others to blame. I hear different aspects of the excuses during discovery calls...”Your program works for others, but I don’t think it will work for me.” “I can’t afford this right now.” Or, “I don’t have the time.” And then they will recruit as many people as possible to this way of thinking with them.

Of course, not every idea that positive people come up with will work. It would be wrong to state that they have all the answers, but what is important to note is that they are willing to try anything and evaluate what works and what needs improvement. And positive people will be quicker to abandon those ideas that aren’t working and pivot to ideas that will work.

The good news is negative thinkers can turn their situations around. They first have to admit they have a problem. Then, they have to learn how to reflect on what they were doing and counter the negative thought patterns. Self-Awareness and Reflection are the first PATHS members learn about in A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership, my online membership.

In reality, negativity is a bad habit. It’s easy to get caught up in it due to all the negativity that exists in the world. News stories, friends, even parents, can all be contributors that help us lead negative lives ourselves.

Don’t beat yourself up if you find yourself being a negative thinker. As long as you take steps to reverse it, you can live a better life going forward. Your family, friends, and colleagues will appreciate the new you. The process will take some time, but it will pay dividends for the rest of your life.

If you’d like to learn more about my private coaching practice or my lifestyle coaching membership, email me at [email protected] or DM me. My programs work for the women prepared to make a commitment to living an Intentional Life, practicing the strategies and techniques that are researched based, and connect to their authentic selves.

Until next time...


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