Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Stop Being Busy and Start Being Intentional to Get What You Want

a pilgrimage to self intentional life welcome home seminar

Stop Being Busy and Start Being Intentional to Get What You Want

"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein."

--H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Do you find that you're always busy? Sometimes people confuse being busy with being productive. Unfortunately, these two things aren't the same, and being busy for the sake of being busy usually leads to feeling unfulfilled. If you think you may be addicted to needlessly overscheduling yourself, read on to discover how to stop being busy and start being intentional in order to live your best life.

About Busyness

'Busyness' is a term that has become popular recently because so many people these days have found themselves constantly overscheduled and busy all the time. There is a difference between living a full, satisfying life and being busy for the sake of being busy. When you're simply living a busy life, you'll find that you're struggling to keep up with your obligations and like there's no time to take a break. You may feel anxious or depressed frequently. Another sure sign that you're caught up in busyness is if you feel like your value is tied to all the things you do, yet you don't truly feel fulfilled by these activities.

Why Busyness is a Problem

There are often many things underlying our busyness, and these issues are often at the heart of what is holding us back. Perhaps you try to distract yourself from your true passions by staying busy because you're afraid to take a risk on what you'd rather be doing. Maybe you overschedule your life to avoid dealing with internal problems you're experiencing. Whatever the case, it's important to take stock of your busyness to determine whether you're truly deriving meaning and satisfaction from the time you're spending on these activities. Some people believe they're more valuable if they have a lot going on. If you aren't fulfilled, you should re-assess the ways in which you're spending your time.

How to Overcome Busyness

Busyness keeps you from living your full potential. To end the cycle, you'll need to start cutting back on the activities and obligations you take on. Start saying no to things that aren't essential and that don't bring you enjoyment. This should free up some time. Don't fill those slots. Instead, allow yourself to feel what it's like to not be busy. This downtime might give you some perspective on how you truly want to be spending your free hours. After a few months of learning to do less, begin to reintroduce activities to your schedule. Just be sure they're things you truly want to do and that will bring benefits to your life.

Being busy isn't always satisfying, nor is it always productive. With practice, you'll start to learn the difference between busyness and activities that bring meaning to your life. Be patient with yourself while you learn the difference.

On a more personal note, many people around me comment on my own "busyness" and wonder how I'm able to accomplish so much. Well, I know I have the same number of hours per day as everyone else, so I organize and prioritize what's important to me...I spend most of my hours doing what brings me joy...I'm intentional and obsessed with being within the Circle of AWESOMENESS! 

That's what I want for YOU!

I'm so confident in the TRANSFORMATION available with A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership that I put together the Welcome Home Seminar and CHALLENGE to give a sneak peek into the membership. The OPEN HOUSE (closing June 28th) allows you the chance to jumpstart your personal journey to reconnect to your authentic living your Intentional Life.

Here's a link to the Welcome Home Seminar that closes on June 28th:

If you know that you're ready to start your Pilgrimage to Self, for your TRANSFORMATION...register for the next A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership NOW...registration closes for the July 1st launch on June 28th!

Here's the link to A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership that starts July 1st! Registration closes on June 28th!

It's time for you to be INTENTIONAL with your LIFE...

Until next time...



P.S. We only have a couple of days before the doors close for the July 1st launch of A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership. Please help us get the word out and share with those who will benefit...finding purpose, learning self-care strategies, practicing forgiveness and gratitude, and developing the action steps for living an Intentional Life.



The life philosophy of A House With Four RoomsĀ suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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