Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Self-Care Doesn't Have to Cost A Lot of Money


Self-Care Doesn’t Have To Cost Anything

Money may be tight and you might not be able to find flex in your budget to add a lot of new things to your life, but that doesn't mean you should neglect yourself. Believe it or not, self-care doesn't have to cost anything. There are plenty of things you can do without spending a dime or by taking advantage of the things you have already purchased.


  • Take a Nap – Who doesn't enjoy a good nap? Napping doesn't cost you anything but time, yet a 30-minute power nap can do wonders for your mood and your life. Most people always have a few minutes to spare for a power nap if they realize how important it may be to their health.
  • Get Some Exercise – Go for a jog or a nice walk and enjoy mother nature. You can even go window shopping to change it up a bit. You don’t need to buy anything to enjoy it. Besides, how much stuff do you already have in your life that you barely use? The exercise is what’s important. Schedule movement into your day.
  • Go Outside – Sit outside on your porch or balcony and read a book or meditate. Breathe in the fresh air or enjoy the sound of rain. Nature is essential to your health. Take off your shoes and walk barefoot in the grass whenever you can or walk along a beach. Going outside is great therapy. 
  • Hot Towel – Put a wet washcloth in the microwave for a few seconds and use it after you wash your face. Lay down on the couch or bed and feel the warmth and relax for a few minutes until the cloth is cool.
  • Take a Spa Day – Look around your cabinets and you’ll likely find plenty of ingredients to make into a face mask. Coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, honey, banana, oatmeal, and cucumbers are all great items to use. If you can't spare too many items just add some olive oil to brown sugar and use that as a face and lip scrub. Take the time to relax.
  • Take Another Shower – Before you get into the shower put your pajamas in the dryer. In the shower, take the time to breathe in the smell of your body wash and use this shower to just relax. Then once you are done you can slip into your warm and cozy pajamas.
  • Talk to Someone – Self-care doesn't have to be lonely. Call some friends or talk to your spouse about work and life. Maybe they need some ideas for their own self-care routine too. Share tips and tricks.
  • Journal – If you don't have a journal you can use your computer or laptop instead. You can also print out paper journals from templates online. Write about your day or how you have been feeling. Take out this time to find out more things you would like to do for yourself. If you find yourself feeling negative, try keeping a gratitude journal.
  • Watch Netflix – Catch up on a TV series you've been dying to watch or put on a good scary movie. Nothing wrong with a good binge when you need a break or “hooky” day.
  • Dance – Turn on that radio or a favorite CD and get moving. Dancing is exciting and is also great exercise. You’ll get the benefits of exercise endorphins as well as bring back happy memories and boost your energy.
  • Play a Game – Pull out that old board game of Monopoly and play with your family. Invite some friends over to play Pictionary or download a free game on your phone like Heads Up. Nothing is more fun than laughing with friends.
  • Have Sex – That’s right, sex is a great way to reduce stress and feel better about yourself. Orgasm makes you relaxed and is very healthy for you.
  • Meditate - Sit in a comfortable position. Breathe deeply in through your nose for a count of 4 seconds, hold for a count of 5, and exhale for a count of 6 seconds. Feel the weight of your body on the seat and your feet on the floor. Take a moment to scan your body as you continue the deep breathing exercise. Allow your mind to clear of any thoughts and return to the breath.


The list is truly endless and all up to you. Get creative and use your environment and things around you. What types of things can you add to this list that will add self-care, fun, and energy to your life?

Another way to incorporate self-care fun is to put a list of favorites onto slips of paper and put them into a pretty box, tin, or jar. Schedule some time to randomly choose one of the slips and take the time to do what's written on it. On my slips, I have written read a book or magazine, watch a movie, pedicure, sauna, facemask, massage, and picnic. What would you add to your list?

The philosophy of the Indian Proverb, A House With Four Rooms, is to imagine yourself as a house with four rooms: a physical, mental, emotional, and a spiritual room. You don't have to spend a lot of time in each room each day, but you must go into each room each day, even if it is just to open a window to "air" it out. In this way, you become a complete person.

One of the pillars of the Transformational Life Coaching membership, A Pilgrimage to Self, is engaging in self-care practices. For some, it's difficult to learn that you must love and value yourself enough to take good care of yourself, and when you show love, value, and self-care for yourself, you are able to show more for others in your life that you love and value. 

I hope these Stepping Stones from A Pilgrimage to Self are encouraging you to reflect on your own practices. For more information about A Pilgrimage to Self, sign up for the VIP Waitlist. A Pilgrimage to Self only opens the cart 4 times a year, and the VIP Waitlist members hear information and details before the general public.

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Here's to a NEW YOU!





The life philosophy of A House With Four RoomsĀ suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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