Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Power Poses and Mantras 101

confidence mantra power poses

Power Poses and Mantras 101

Non-verbal communication is powerful. What we speak has influence and power, but we influence the people around as much, if not more, by how we say things rather than what we say.  When we see someone standing tall and taking up space, our subconscious is influenced that this person is confident and sure of themselves. Seeing someone curled in a ball, eyes downcast, we make an assumption that they are timid and meek. Non-verbal communication accounts for a large portion of the experience we have.

 Our non-verbal communication can influence others, but it also influences us. Psychologist Amy Cuddy gave a TED talk in 2012 where she shared her research about non-verbal communication and how striking a power pose can actually influence our minds towards confidence. Even people who typically feel inferior are said to be able to influence their mindset by striking a powerful stance for two minutes. In this span of time, people who held a powerful pose increased their sense of power and confidence. Can you spare two minutes to improve your confidence?

In this same way, holding a powerful pose can influence our bravery, sense of self, and motivation. Assuming a position of authority during a difficult time can influence your mind and help you adopt a brave mindset...a can do mindset. Try standing with your hands on your hips in the infamous Wonder Woman pose for two minutes. You can also lean over a tabletop with your arms wide and hands placed firmly atop the table. Both poses and others like them send subliminal confidence signals to your brain making you feel more assured and confident.

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 Mantras are another powerful way to train your brain to feel confidence and power during difficult times. In the same way a catchy tune can influence your mood, a powerful mantra can affect your spirits. In the same way a cheerleader encourages the players during a game, you can encourage yourself through a challenge. 

 Try a mantra like “I’ve got this!” A simple phrase like this can help laser focus during troubled times and send the message to your brain that you’ve got what it takes in this moment to overcome. Another great mantra could be “courage comes in many forms!” This fact-based mantra doesn’t require you to believe anything controversial. The fact is, courage does come in many forms, and the brand you have is just what you need.

 Bravery is built by small actions coming together to create bold and powerful thoughts and actions when life is difficult. Using power poses and mantras is an excellent tool to feel and act brave and confident.

Until next time...



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