Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Journal in the Morning to Set the Right Tone for the Rest of Your Day


Journal in the Morning to Set the Right Tone for the Rest of Your Day

 As you’ve seen in our journey so far, there are a lot of ways you can use the habit of journaling to improve your life. In addition, journal writing comes with tons of benefits. One practice that should definitely be explored when it comes to cultivating a writing habit is that of writing in the morning. Starting your day by journaling can improve your entire outlook and experience. Let me show you what I mean.

Start the Day on a Positive Note

How you spend your morning often sets the tone for the rest of your day. So why not be intentional with your morning practice? Set out each day to write in the morning as a way to set the mood. This is an ideal time to write in your gratitude journal. You’ll then carry that grateful spirit throughout the rest of your daily encounters. You may also want to write down some visualizations or other positive thoughts. Anything that puts you in a good frame of mind is just fine.

Set Your Intentions

Writing about your goals and intentions in the morning helps to bring those desires to the forefront. As you progress through your day, you’ll be subconsciously focused on looking for opportunities that support your intentions. You’ll also be more aware of the steps that are required to bring your goals to fruition. Seeing your goals and desires written down will help you to take actions that are in line with those objectives. By focusing on your goals each day, you’ll also be more productive.

Reduce Mental Overwhelm

In yesterday’s post, we explore the benefits of writing a nighttime journal for improved sleep. One of those is that journaling helps you to reduce mental clutter. You get rid of all the excess thoughts that are crowding your brain when you write them down in your journal. If need be, you can carry this practice over to your mornings. You don’t want to start your day stressed and overwhelmed with anxious thoughts. So, when you’re feeling overwhelmed in the morning, take just a few minutes to get it all out on paper. This will free up your brain power and energy to handle the important tasks at hand as they arise throughout your busy day.

These are just some of the ways you can use a morning journaling practice to improve your day. Give it a shot for yourself, and feel free to experiment with different techniques. Soon, you’ll find your groove and will start to see the benefits morning pages can offer you.

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Until next time...


P.S. Click the link to get your copy of my journal prompts to inspire your journal practice:






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