Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

How a Journal Can Boost Your Productivity Through the Roof


How a Journal Can Boost Your Productivity Through the Roof

 Modern life is hectic for ALL of us. There are so many demands on your time and on your mind. It’s easy to become overwhelmed. Such a busy lifestyle can drain your productivity. When you have too much swirling around in your brand and a ton of obligations, it’s hard to keep track. You feel stressed, and you’re bound to drop the ball sometimes. Writing in a journal can help you to boost your productivity in a number of beneficial ways.

Keep reading below to learn how it works.

Clear the Clutter

If you’re like me, you have a million thoughts swirling around in your head at once. Your to-do list, worries about family, appointments to keep, and other such daily necessities require a lot of brain power. A journal is a place you can write these thoughts down and let them go so that you can better focus on the tasks you have in front of you.

Prioritize Your Life

Not only can getting all that information out of your brain help you to better focus, you can also organize those things into your journal. Make various lists detailing the steps for completing work projects or personal goals. Write them down in order of importance. Laying it all out can help you to get it all done in an efficient manner.

Reduce Stress

Journaling can simply make you feel better. It’s cathartic to write about your feelings. As I mentioned yesterday, it's a way to "air" out your Emotional Room as described in the Indian Proverb, A House With Four Rooms. You can let go of a lot of what’s been bothering you when you write about these issues. Even the simple process of making lists and prioritizing helps you to focus, which lessens an emotional burden. You’re bound to accomplish more when you’re feeling more focused and relaxed.

Gain Insight

Writing can lead to some breakthrough realizations. The process allows you to put forth ideas in a way that allows you to see patterns and gain perspective. The information you glean from your journaling might just lead to some serious headway in a project that’s been stalling.

Create Mindfulness

Journaling has a way of centering you in the present moment. You release the crowded thoughts from your head and are able to just sit with them and process them for a bit. This emphasizes mindfulness. You’ll feel more focused and grounded once you’ve gotten things out on paper or on the screen. Living in the moment is part of living an Intentional Life.

Journaling can give you a big boost in your productivity over time. Pay attention to see if you notice a difference in how much you accomplish and how efficiently you work now that you’re establishing a journaling habit.

As I've mentioned before, journaling is a great strategy for living YOUR Intentional Life.

If you haven't yet read all the blog posts in this Journaling CHALLENGE, I encourage you to go back and catch up. It isn't too time consuming and it has the POWER to transform YOUR life.

Until next time...



P.S. Are you using my free journal prompts? If you haven't downloaded them yet, here's a link:



The life philosophy of A House With Four RoomsĀ suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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