Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Happy Mother's Day...The PATH of Transformation

a pilgrimage to self purpose

 A Pilgrimage to Self/

There is an Indian Proverb or axiom that say that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, mental, an emotional, and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time but, unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person.

-Rumor Godden

A House with Four Rooms offers the monthly mentoring membership: A Pilgrimage to Self. The lessons follow the philosophy of the Indian Proverb and are meant to provide practices, strategies, and techniques to "air' out your four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Content includes ways to focus on self-care practices, accomplish goals, and build an Intentional Life. Your personal success path follows the Winning Ways of the PATHS to Discover, Design, and Develop your Intentional Life.

I launched A House With Four Rooms for individuals looking to create an Intentional Life filled with extraordinary experiences because I wish I had had a place like this when I was struggling to understand life, adulthood, divorce, health issues, and everyday living. I was overwhelmed, disappointed, and stressed.

I needed a place that allowed me to ground myself in divine principles, awaken my spiritual being, and allow me to connect to my authentic self. I needed a safe place where no one else's agenda, opinions, judgments, or beliefs interfered with my own.

I had to release the hidden, subconscious beliefs and thoughts that were self-sabotaging and standing in my way. 

Learning to live, establishing beliefs, values, and boundaries became paramount to my survival. I've spent years educating myself, learning from coaches, mentors, and establishing my Intentional Life.

I am a National Board Certified Teacher and Life Coach with a unique style, perspective, and musings that encourages and empowers you to examine and create the life of YOUR dreams. 

My membership program allows you to join me on A Pilgrimage to Self by finding the intentional acts that help you focus on achieving your goals and finding the extraordinary in the ordinary.

Here's a link if you're ready to join:

Say goodbye to overwhelm, chaos, and dissatisfaction.

I know what it's like to...

  • feel alone and abandoned
  • be told untruths about your abilities, feelings, and achievements
  • look for ways to fill the void, take away the pain, and deny myself
  • give up on personal desires, self-care, and dreams
  • isolate one's self, avoid confrontation, and be "sick and tired of being sick and tired"

Many people feel this way and are afraid to put themselves first... if any of this sounds like your experience, it's time to learn to live life on YOUR terms.

I've been there, and even though it isn't easy and change doesn't happen does happen and it's worth it. YOU are worth it!

You do not have to take this journey alone...with coaching and support, you'll take the steps to live with purpose. You'll experience the extraordinary in your life.

Register here:

I created this private coaching membership to help you reconnect to your authentic self and live your Intentional Life. It's YOUR time to live the life of your dreams, and you can when you apply strategies from A Pilgrimage to Self and Winning Ways!

When you join A Pilgrimage to Self you have access to:

Monthly strategies and lessons that take members along the PATHS of their journey to Discover, Design, and Develop an Intentional Life

Group Lives and Q & A

Each month we host Group Lives and have a Questions & Answers time to help Pilgrims' on their PATHS. There is also a private members' only Community group for additional encouragement and support.


Each month new challenges provide opportunities to accelerate progress on your journey. Weekly challenges focus on quick actions that can create paradigm shifts in your experiences.

Special Guest Speakers

Transformation takes a village. Invited guests will share strategies, wisdom, and expertise to encourage and empower the members of our community.

Success Paths

Pilgrims move along the Success Paths discovering their passions and designing new life plans. Developing a direction that allows them to shift their mindset in a positive progression toward their dream lives. A Pilgrimage to Self is a personal lifestyle coaching membership and Mastermind group where members transform their ordinary lives into the extraordinary lives of their dreams. As Pilgrims, members travel the PATHS from overwhelm to self-awareness and develop practices that create work-life-harmony balance by returning to self... to connect body, mind, and spirit... to experience a sort of renaissance. As a Pilgrim, you will learn strategies and practices that transform all areas of your life: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Isn't it time you began the journey on your Success Paths to A Pilgrimage to Self? If you're ready to make the commitment to yourself...use this link:


A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership is for you if you need to find your way back to yourself for reasons such as overwhelm, burnout, or midlife crisis. The journey starts with self-awareness as you discover your current mindset, core beliefs, and negative self-talk. Once you've identified your PATH, you will design the life of your dreams and develop a plan for real progress. You'll visit each of your four rooms to "air" them out and work on our individual focus goal. As your journey continues, you'll learn strategies and practices that will move you along the PATHS toward self-love, purpose and meaning, and living an extraordinary life. Don't you deserve to feel peace, joy, and success every single day?

Brought to You by A House With Four Rooms:

  • A centrally located Membership Portal with full access to your library
  • Supportive Private Community
  • Early Access and Special Pricing for programs, workshops, and live events
  • Member Spotlights
  • A sacred community and...

You'll find clarity, peace, and joyfulness through:

  • Expert Lessons and Practices
  • Strengths Assessment
  • Q & A Sessions
  • Heart-Centered Coaching
  • Special Guest Interviews
  • Engaging Monthly Challenges
  • Group Support

Limited opportunities are also available for 1:1 and group coaching sessions. There is also a members-only community group for additional support with like-minded pilgrims. 

I know how easy it is to let your own needs, desires, and worth slip away, but I also know that when you have ongoing support, resources, and the right community, it will help you stay connected to YOUR authentic self.

I look forward to welcoming YOU to our next guided journey A Pilgrimage to Self.



P.S. Today registration is open for 24 hours ONLY for A Pilgrimage to Self for this Mother's Day...and you don't have to be a mom to join. It is my intention to provide EXCELLENCE in all my resources and that YOUR experience brings you the greatest JOY, HAPPINESS, and SUCCESS. I want to encourage you to invite others that you know who would benefit from A Pilgrimage to Self to join us. Your invitation and feedback would make a huge impact on our success of building the ULTIMATE Coaching Program. I appreciate the opportunity to be YOUR Success Mentor!

Here's to your success!


 Affiliate Compensation Disclosure: From time to time, we promote, endorse, or suggest products or services of others. In most cases, we will be compensated, either as an affiliate with a commission based on sales, or with a free product to review or use. Our recommendations are always based on (i) our personal belief in the high quality and value of the product or service, and (ii) our review of the product or service, or a prior relationship or positive experience with the sponsoring person or organization.

The life philosophy of A House With Four RoomsĀ suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

WantĀ to Learn More?

A Pilgrimage to Self is a Self-Paced Monthly Membership covering a variety of topics for successful life management.

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