Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Feeling Stuck? Widen Your Perspective About All Areas of Your Life

a pilgrimage to self intentional life welcome home

Feeling Stuck? Widen Your Perspective About All Areas of Your Life

Sometimes the thing that's keeping us from living our best life is just that we feel trapped or don't know which direction to go. You may not even know why it is you feel this way, but you know you're not where you want to be. The key to getting unstuck is to take stock of your life, your wants, your goals, and your values. You can't find a way out of the trap if you don't understand what's holding you back and where you want to go. So, let's take a look at some ways you can widen your perspective in order to get unstuck. It's not that difficult once you get started.

Be Purposeful

First, you'll need to be purposeful in why it is you want to make some change. Then figure out the type of change you may wish to make. Take time to examine your deepest feelings and fears in order to determine what it is you may desire. What is the purpose you want your life to have? Then brainstorm some ways you might attain that purpose in order to begin living differently. Remember, you don't have to know everything all at once. Taking small steps can make a big difference.

Face Your Fears

Understand that there will be fear and uncertainty in this process. That's probably why you haven't undertaken it before now. It's scary to think about moving forward in a new direction. Even though a rut may be uncomfortable, it's what you know, and it feels safe. You'll need to acknowledge and face your fears in order to make change. This is where an accountability partner can really help you to move forward.

Switch Things Up

Remember, though, baby steps are always an option. Start practicing by doing something small to switch things up on a regular basis, maybe even every day. Drive a new way home from work. Sign up for a class that interests you. Talk to someone you see on a regular basis but have never approached before. You'll soon see that stepping outside your routine doesn't have to be so scary.

Listen to Your Gut

You'll need to really get to know yourself if you want to leave your comfort zone. Typically, doing so involves making waves among the people you know. When you make big changes in your own life, those things tend to affect the people who are close to you. They may not always be supportive. Therefore, it's important that you listen to your instincts and know yourself well when you set out to leave your rut behind. Doing so will help you to prepare for any resistance you encounter from others and from yourself.

Most of all, just take some action. Each step will become easier as you go and will build upon the last. Keep going. Follow your plan, and you'll figure out the details as you go along.

 If you'd like an insiders' view of A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership, join our Welcome Home Seminar and CHALLENGE that's being hosted by A House With Four Rooms.

During this OPEN HOUSE, you'll get an "insiders' peek" at some of my coaching content for A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership. There are 5 lessons/CHALLENGES to help facilitate living an Intentional Life following the advice of the Indian Proverb.

So, if you'd like to widen your perspective in all areas of your life, raise your confidence, pursue your goals, and connect to your personal powers, come see what A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership has to offer you.

Hurry! This is a limited offer. If you want to take advantage of this "insiders' peek" at the coaching membership, then you better join the Welcome Home Seminar and CHALLENGE now...the OPEN HOUSE closes June 28th.

Here's the link:

 Until next time...



The life philosophy of A House With Four RoomsĀ suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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