Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Establishing Rituals Using Kaizen

finances kaizen ritual

 How Tiny Savings Really Add Up

Want to be much richer than you are right now? Then start putting $1 a day away into a savings account. You can even set up a standing order and that way you'll never forget to do it.

This is a very small amount of money and a small commitment so in terms of your income you're hardly going to notice it. But it's more than worthwhile, which is why you should probably sign in to your online banking and set up that standing order right now. Read on if you need more convincing.

It All Adds Up

$1 doesn't sound like very much does it? Well, it's not: but if you make a habit of doing this right now, then by the end of the year you'll have saved yourself $365 which is not a small amount of money. That's enough money to buy a new computer, a weekend away with your partner or a very luxurious meal.

In two years you'll have $730. Which is definitely a lot. And in ten years you'll have a huge $3,650 which is now enough to go on actually quite a big holiday.

Taking it Further

If you and a partner were to do this, then between you, you'd have $730 in one year or $7,300 in ten years. That's now enough for a very luxurious holiday indeed – or even a cheap car.

But come on, you can do better than that can't you? $1 a day is nothing, so how about upping the commitment to $2? Now you'll have $60 at the end of the month and $730 on your own at the end of the year. If you and a partner do this then in ten years you'll now have $14,600 between you. That's a small deposit on a house, so if you invest that in a house and rent it out, you'll now have a side income from tenants which could be earning you an additional $1,000 a month. Remember: money attracts money.

How about $5 a day? Can you and your partner push to $5 a day?

Now in 365 days, you'll have $1,825 each or $3,650. In ten years, you'll now have $36,500 between you. Now you can put a big deposit on a house, cover all the tax and property management costs and start generating tons more each month.

Oh and this is before we've even mentioned the impact that investing the money you're saving wisely could have.

Time to start putting that dollar away every day at least and then watch that cash grow!

Do you see how you can start small, be consistent, and have great results? Once you make a commitment, even a small commitment, and you build the practice to follow-through on that commitment, you'll see fantastic results. You can apply kaizen to any area of your life.

Once you have developed the action steps towards your new goal, they become habit and ritual...then, you can focus on your next goal. This is how you can Design an Intentional Life of your step at a time.

Until next time...



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