Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Blogging as a Means of Reflection


Blogging as a Means of Reflection

What is a blog but a reflection of the blogger? While not everyone uses it for that purpose, many people do. A blog, after all, is a chronological account of whatever the blogger decides to write about. Many people share their current stories, but you can find others who will share their past as well. My major purpose for this blog is to share some of the life lessons from my coaching program; I call them stepping stones...steps towards bigger learning for living an Intentional Life.

Some blogs may share too much information. Nonetheless, it’s out there for people to interpret them as they will. Another great aspect of blogs is even if you record your current life, eventually it will be a reflection for you and others to see.

Before blogging, people had to rely on websites that were difficult to manage. You had to hire a web designer, and that wasn’t cheap. Blogging made it accessible for anyone. There is still a learning curve associated with blogging, but it’s a small one. Most people can get most of what they need in a week or less.

The great aspect of blogging is it can make people money when they set it up correctly. This is obviously getting more difficult as more bloggers enter the space. But, it’s still possible. Bloggers can share affiliate links and have ads on their sites; they can also use the blog as an advertisement for a course or product that they have for sale. (Did you know that I have courses, products, and a coaching membership?)

Many people use blogs for potential notoriety and don’t worry so much about whether they are making money with blogs. It gives them a voice, and that is often more important than the money. They can use the blog to teach others, or they can use it to learn about themselves. Many bloggers make discoveries about themselves when they manage a blog. It allows them to structure their thoughts, in ways they would never have, without the blog. It can be a fine dance for me as I contemplate how much to share of my personal life.

Blogging is not required for reflection. But, it does open doors with the insights it provides. It lets people express their feelings or give access to secrets that they want to share. Of course, there is a dark side to this in that whatever is on a blog can be seen and used against the blogger at times. It’s great to have access to blogging to express your feelings. But, be aware that once it’s published, it is difficult to take back. Even if you think you can completely delete the blog, Google (and maybe others) store versions of it on This means that publishing is eternal.

For most people, blogging will provide a great avenue to connect with others and share their lives. This is a positive aspect of blogging and it allows a large number of people to use it for reflection.

I would so appreciate you sharing my lifestyle blog...we can have a bigger impact on the lives of women...we can inspire, encourage, and support them as we teach and share information about living an Intentional Life.

Thank YOU!

Until next time...


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