Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

5 Ways to Practice Adaptability: Survival of the Fittest

a house with four rooms adaptability fixed mindset

Adaptability: Survival of the Fittest

 Did you know that the ancient Chinese symbol for "crisis" is exactly the same as the symbol for "opportunity?" Seeing problems as opportunities is the best possible way to be successful in business and in life. I've spoken to many people that have had a similar experience to my own after experiencing a life-threatening emergency...they have a personal awakening and make changes, sometimes significant changes to their lifestyles. We can learn to adapt without having life-threatening experiences if we choose. It’s really a matter of perspective, so shouldn't you adopt the perspective that will lead to successes in your personal and professional life and not failures?

 Problems, change, stress – they're all part of everyone's life, no one is exempt. Adaptability means seeing these things as normal. Successful people develop a mental toughness which causes them to see adversities and failures as ways to learn lessons and improve. They expect challenges so, even before the challenges occur, they have the intention of facing them and finding solutions.

 Basically, there are two ways to adapt to situations: the first is to adapt ourselves to situations that are beyond our control, and the second is to adapt to situations so that they are better for us. One of these two options provides the solution to most problems, so, of course, you want to adapt either yourself or the situation in the most productive, worthwhile, way.

 Adaptability is a choice. It's you making up your mind to be flexible, responsive, analytical, and solution-oriented. Choosing to be adaptive, instead of fighting the issue means that you're giving yourself the freedom to take action to find a's living an Intentional Life. Choosing to be adaptive means you are the victor and not the victim. How adaptable are you?

 Here are some techniques to help you increase your adaptive skills:

  1. How's your sense of humor? It can be a great ally for you. One of the things humor helps you do is to get some perspective on yourself and your situation. It's one of the areas I've worked on for years. Humor can help you see the fun in the situation when you make a mistake. It can really make it easier for you to learn from your mistakes.


  1. How well do you control your negative emotions? Negative emotions can get you into a lot of trouble. When you're in a stressful situation, try to remove yourself until you have your emotions under control. When you're calmer, deal with the situation. In this way, you are being intentional


  1. Do you see change as normal or does it throw you for a loop? So many women have a difficult time with change...but change is important to living. Evaluate the way you react to unexpected events. Make a conscious effort to make changes in stride. This is a skill you can learn, and it will help you in many different ways.


  1. How good are you at saying "No"? If you're stressed because you've overcommitted yourself, it's harder to adapt to situations as they arise. Make your schedule work for you, not against you. Learn to say "No," calmly and firmly, when you need to. You must be intentional with your time, money, and energy.


  1. Is your life way too complicated? Learn to simplify your life. Get rid of clutter and distractions that wear you out and get in the way. Decide what's essential to you and what you really want to do with your time, and concentrate on that. Following the philosophy of A House With Four Rooms allows you to create systems and strategies to maintain your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing...again, living an Intentional Life

How are you adapting in your life?

Until next time...


P.S. I work with women in my private 1:1 coaching program to help them discover, design, and develop their own Intentional Lives...before working with me, these women often feel isolated and overwhelmed with the changes that they are facing in life. Working through the coaching exercises and strategies move them to find clarity, purpose, and direction in their life. Imagine what it feels like to find the self-love and confidence to create a life that supports your desires, passions, and dreams. For Jean, it was getting healthier; she's maintaining the loss of over 60 Ibs.! Or Donna...after years of devoting herself to raising her grandsons, she finally found the freedom to go back to school and pursue her dream as an RN; she's now caring for folks in an extended care facility...and most importantly, she feels terrific in her personal and professional lives. The seasons are changing...and the year is coming to an's time to adapt...and if you'd like to work with me, email me at [email protected] to set up a call...and if we agree my program is a fit for you, we can get started right away.

The life philosophy of A House With Four RoomsĀ suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
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