Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Your Loved Ones Will Benefit From A Purpose Driven Life



Your Loved Ones Will Benefit From A Purpose Driven Life

 In yesterdays’ post we talked about how we can use our communities to have long lasting, permanent change by living a purpose driven life. Those changes can be small or large, and they all add up. We can make a difference. Today I want to take a look at the impact living a purpose driven life can have on your loved ones.

You Set A Good Example

The most powerful thing about living your life with purpose is that you are setting a good example for those around you. Trust me, your kids are watching. Your spouse or significant other is noticing what you’re doing, too. So are your family and friends. Living a purpose driven life can be quite contagious. Start being aware and see how much of an effect you can have on those around you.

In other words, not only will they benefit from what you do directly (by being more attentive and patient for example, or making an effort to spend more quality time with people important to you), they also benefit by being encouraged to live a more purposeful life themselves.

From my experience, especially recently, I'm aware of how important it is to set an example for our children. We need to allow them to see us experience emotions...even connections to those outside our familiar circle. Most times, it's good to show our children that it's safe and okay to share our thoughts, feelings, and lives with allow ourselves to experience emotions, expand our intimate circles, and enrich our's not selfish, but it is an essential part of living. When we close ourselves off, we are in danger of closing ourselves off from experiencing life and love and teaching our children to be closed off and too cautious of life, too.

You’re More Confident In Yourself

As you start to live with purpose and see the impact even small acts can have you more confident in yourself. As you gain self-confidence, you start to feel more comfortable in your own skin. You’re making a difference in your community and living with purpose. This, in turn, makes you a more confident parent, spouse, and friend. Your loved ones will benefit because you are no longer busy second-guessing yourself. You take massive action that benefits everyone; it opens you up to loving another and opening up your life to them. It allows you to invite them into your life...blending your lives together.

You’re Happier And More Fulfilled

One of the big reasons self-confidence is so important is that it is directly linked with how happy you feel. Add to that the fact that living a life with purpose is very fulfilling and it’s no wonder that you are happier and more content once you start living with purpose and intention.

All this, in turn, will make you a kinder and better person overall. Living a purpose driven life makes you a better parent, a better spouse, a better coworker and a better friend. It has a positive impact on all the people who are close to you and who have an important part in your life. Keep that in mind as you continue on this journey of living with purpose. Use it as motivation and encouragement on those days when things get hard and you’re ready to give up. Don’t let them or yourself down.

The concepts I've been sharing are from my lifestyle coaching membership, A Pilgrimage to Self. In the membership, we do a deeper-dive on topics that have the greatest impact on our lives. As a result of working with me, members identify their passions, bring purpose and meaning to all areas of their lives, and reconnect to their heart's desires. They feel more confident, mindful, and energized.

Can you imagine being at peace, free of guilt, and self-sabotage? 

My intent is to welcome new members, Pilgrims, a few times a year. I purposefully operate the membership like this so that I can focus and guide members on the sacred journey...the Pilgrimage to Self

As a bonus, I've offered a coupon code for new members that are willing to become Founding Members for SPRING CLEANING with A Pilgrimage to Self. For the monthly membership fee structure...use code FIRST25 and for extraordinary savings, use FIRST25YEARLY  for the annual fee will be locking in your fees for the life of your membership in good standing.This means that the fees never increase while you are a member in A Pilgrmage to Self.

If you are ready to make a commitment to yourself, please register now. This is a very personal journey and only available for a short time. Think of this as your one-on-one guided journey to transformation, with me as your guide.

Register here:



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The life philosophy of A House With Four RoomsĀ suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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