Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Top 10 Quality Of Life Tips

quality of life top 10 tips

Top 10 Quality Of Life Tips

Your quality of life comprises the sum of your happiness, health, vitality, and well-being in all areas of your life. Improving your quality of life means boosting your wellness in one or more areas to improve your overall satisfaction and happiness.

As 2018 comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the events of the year and begin thinking of what core beliefs and values to bring into the new year.

Because I'm preparing to welcome new Pilgrims into my Transformational Life Coaching Membership, A Pilgrimage to Self, I've spent time reviewing much of the content and feedback. I also looked back on my year and compiled my top ten life tips that have become a foundation in my life.

So here are my top ten tips for improving your quality of life.

#10. Get plenty of exercise and walk every day.

Get plenty of exercise every day to enjoy your life and improve your well-being. Walking 10,000 steps each day has been shown to yield positive results not just in your physical health but in your mental and emotional well-being, too. Regular exercise improves your circulation, helps your heart and brain stay healthy, keeps your muscles strong, improves your outlook and mood, and can help you stay vital for many years to come. I monitor my steps with an app on my phone and watch, and I'm motivated by tracking my steps each day. 

#9. Meditate daily.

Daily meditation is an opportunity for you to check in with yourself, review how you are feeling, and become aware of lingering problems or issues. I also use my meditation time as a way to listen to the God Whispers. Meditation is also a wonderful practice for encouraging mindfulness, which teaches you to live in the moment. All of these enhance your emotional, spiritual, and mental wellness as well as contribute to reducing your stress, which is always good for your health.

#8. Keep learning.

Continuous learning engages your mind, keeps you cognitively healthy, helps you achieve new goals, and educates you about relevant topics. As Stephen Covey described in his book The 7 Habits of Effective People  it's essential to "Sharpen the Saw." Learning should continue throughout your life, and it’s a great way to meet new people and enhance your existing relationships, too.

#7. Get outside.

Spending time outside is great for your well-being and quality of life. Being in the sunshine gives your body the necessary Vitamin D to support healthy functions and fresh air lowers your stress level. Being under the open sky helps you gain perspective on life. Spending time in nature has been shown to significantly improve mood and enhance overall well-being.

#6. Connect to others.

Being connected to others through strong, healthy relationships improves your quality of life in many ways. Friends can offer comfort and support, talking with others helps you feel connected and hopeful, being in a relationship improves your health, and having strong family ties can help you live longer. Commit to your healthy relationships to enhance your life and be happier.

#5. Learn to manage your time.

If you want to feel more productive and less stressed, learning how to manage your time can help. Time management can help you accomplish goals and achieve your dreams, and when you can effectively manage your time, others know they can depend on you to fulfill your commitments. Time management leads to ending bad habits like yielding to distractions, procrastination, and being chronically late.

 #4. Get enough sleep.

Too many of us neglect a vital part of our health, which is getting enough sleep. You need at least seven hours of sleep a night to recharge, repair damage to your cells and tissues, process what you learned into long-term memory, and be ready to tackle the next day. Sleep deprivation affects your ability to think, reason, control emotions, and remain positive. Develop nighttime rituals by limiting screen time, winding down, and relaxing.

#3. Take risks.

Stepping out of your comfort zone to take risks is a way to achieve your dreams, build confidence, work toward difficult goals, and learn new things. Taking risks is a necessary part of learning, growth, and change. It's important to observe any ruts along your path and take right action...take a risk and try another path whether it's a new job, starting a business, moving across the country, falling in love, or walking over 500km on a spiritual journey.

#2. Know your dreams.

Knowing what makes you happy in life helps you identify goals, align your behaviors with your beliefs, and feel satisfied with your life. When you are unclear about what you are trying to accomplish, it becomes difficult to manage expectations and attain happiness. Get clear on your dreams, make a plan, and you will enjoy a higher quality of life. 

#1. Get inspired.

There is so much in this world that is inspiring. Find what motivates you, seek it out, and use it to push you toward your dreams. Inspiration can come from other people, nature, art, or just about anything. Surround yourself with inspiring images, words, and friends, and you’ll have the confidence to accomplish anything you want.

If you have been following me on social media ( or then you know that I get inspired by quotes, uplifting videos, and positive posts.

You probably also know that I am on a mission to inspire others. The blog on A House With Four Rooms, Just a thought...allows me to share, teach, inspire, and encourage. For years, I thought I was alone and had to find my own way up each mountain. I didn't grow up with the encouragement and support of a family, so I had to learn on my own. I sort out research, resources, and mentors. As I continue to learn and grow, I continue to teach and share. I have long believed we are both teachers and students at the same time. 

This is an exciting time for me as I prepare the launch of 2019 New Year, New YOU program with A Pilgrimage to Self. I only open the membership a few times per year in order to focus and concentrate on guiding Pilgrims along the PATHS to Discover, Design, and Develop the Intentional Life of their dreams. Are YOU ready to be a Pilgrim?

I want to be YOUR Success Mentor on your journey to A Pilgrimage to Self...not only will you Discover purpose and meaning in your life, but you will also Design and plan the journey toward your dreams, and you will Develop the action steps that move you along your own Success Path to an Intentional Life. 

Let's take the ordinary to the extraordinary in 2019! 

Registration is NOW OPEN! Don't wait...prepare for 2019 New Year, New You by registering for the heart-centered journey to YOUR authentic self!



The life philosophy of A House With Four RoomsĀ suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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A Pilgrimage to Self is a Self-Paced Monthly Membership covering a variety of topics for successful life management.

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