Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Simple Tips to Tidy Up Daily


Simple Tips to Tidy Up Daily

 One of the best ways to prevent overwhelm and stay organized is to take daily action. Routinely doing small chores will keep your home tidy and manageable. It will also free up time for recreation and scheduled maintenance without making chores feel like a burden.

 Taking routine action will create habits. Done repeatedly, they will become a natural part of your day and you won’t even notice the effort - but you will definitely notice the impact on your family, your budget, and your schedule.

 In the morning:  

  • Make your bed as soon as you wake up or before leaving your room for the main part of the home
  • Put away items as you use them during your morning bathroom routine
  • Make a sweep of your kids’ bathroom and tidy up before heading out the door
  • Take any meal-planning actions to be ready for the evening and tidy up as you go
  • Take note of any personal hygiene items you or your family may be running out of and mark on a list for your car or smartphone

 During the day: 

  • Rinse and put dishes in the washer as they are being used
  • When you notice something out of place or needing attention, take action in the moment
  • Set aside two 15-minute time slots a day to do a sweep of the home and clear clutter or put things away
  • Use your commute or errand time to pick up items you need for the home or drop off items for donations
  • Clean your car of litter and clutter every time you park - consider placing a garbage can on the driver’s side of the garage 

In the evening: 

  • Clean the kitchen as you cook, you’ll have fewer dishes when mealtime is over
  • Clean up after dinner - don’t wait - and you’ll reduce the chance of getting too tired and letting the cleaning go
  • Set items you need for the next day near the door or in the car
  • Help kids do a sweep of their room prior to bed, putting things away and discarding clutter
  • Freshen up cushions, fold blankets, and adjust items before bed - waking up to a fresh home starts the day off with a sense of calm and organization
  • Refresh pet food and water
  • Consult your meal plan and make a mental note for the next day’s meals, verifying you still have the ingredients you need. Make a list of any items you need for the store and place in the car or on your smartphone 

Taking specific actions every day will help you feel less overwhelmed. It also models good behavior for your family. Families who grow up in tidier homes may have a stronger sense of teamwork and understand the benefits of going the extra mile. They tend to intrinsically develop a sense of responsibility which promotes better outcomes when they are employed and married with their own families.




The life philosophy of A House With Four RoomsĀ suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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