Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Protect Your Personal Space to Create a Safe Haven for Yourself

Protect Your Personal Space to Create a Safe Haven for Yourself 

Everyone needs some alone time now and then...we all do. Even the most extroverted person requires a little bit of quiet time on their own in order to think and recharge. And some of us need a lot more space than others. Regardless, setting up a personal safe haven is a good idea for everyone. This area of solitude is yours and yours alone...Virginia Wolf was a big advocate for women to have A Room of Your Own. It’s a place you can go when you need to get away from it all and to regroup from the busy outside world. Read on below to discover more about the need for a safe haven and how to go about creating one of your own.

 About Your Safe Haven

 A safe haven of personal space can be anywhere that is private and quiet. Creating a place like this within your home is a good idea because this home base of sorts is usually convenient and available to you. However, it’s possible to set up a personal place like this anywhere you spend significant time. In a pinch, you may even be able to carve out a small bit of personal alone time when you’re out and about should you find yourself needing to get away from it all. Think of a local park, coffee shop, or wilderness trail that offers you some solace away from your ordinary day.

 Why You Need One

 Carving out your own space serves many purposes. Sometimes you just need to be all alone in a quiet spot. This can be especially true when you live with others. Creating a safe haven gives you that place to be alone with your thoughts. This personal space lets you recharge and regroup when you’re feeling overwhelmed. It helps you to get ready to go back out and face the world again. If you’re an introvert or highly sensitive person, you know this type of sanctuary is crucial to your well-being. Without this type of place, you’re likely to find yourself feeling overwhelmed and on-edge.

 How to Create Your Personal Space

 Creating a personal space is absolutely unique to your preferences. It’s totally up to you what you decide to make of your sanctuary. This sacred space doesn’t have to be fancy. You can create it using the resources you have at hand simply by carving out a room in your home or even a corner of a room will do. It’s always beneficial to add personal touches to your space such as colors that soothe or energize you, candles, aromatherapy, and comfortable furniture. However, none of that is absolutely necessary. You can create a space of solitude in your office at work so that you can get some quiet time on your lunch break. Even locking yourself in a public bathroom stall will do if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed when you’re out running errands or at an event.

 These tips will help you to make a safe haven of your very own. Simply having a place to go to get away will do to allow you space and time to think and process what's happening in your life. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to create the perfect space, just go out and find your space.

Until next time...


P.S. What does YOUR personal space look like? Go over to our Facebook page and share





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