Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

How Do YOU Want to Spend Your Precious Gift of Time?

How Do YOU Want to Spend Your Precious Gift of Time?

How would you answer that questions? Will you be doing what's important to you, or will you be fulfilling the expectations and demands that are important to others?

It isn't uncommon for women to get lost in doing for others, and because they devote so much of their time to others, they lose themselves. It happened to me, too. It took some incredible circumstances for me to learn the value of my life, my time, and my self-worth. AND now, I teach others...that's one of the major factors in my new book: A House With Four's part memoir and part guide on living an Intentional Life when you find your purpose, align your personal and professional goals, and take purposeful actions. 

Get YOUR Copy of A House With Four Rooms HERE!

Time is a gift...a precious gift. We’ve all known someone who has passed away unexpectedly and far too early. It happened to me last month when a friend passed away unexpectedly leaving her husband and three-year-old daughter behind. And then there are those like me, that have been given a second chance at life. It’s amazing how one gets a different perspective and understanding of the value of life and not taking time, people, and experiences for granted.

When I underwent emergency open-heart surgery, I made a promise to God after going through the filmstrip of my life, giving thanks, and asking for forgiveness. I promised if I lived, I’d work to help other women live an Intentional Life...guided by purpose, intention, and God Whispers. This promise has changed my life drastically. As a teacher/mentor, I’ve had the privilege to touch a lot of lives; I’ve expanded my course offerings, taken my coaching online with a monthly membership, and continue to offer private coaching programs. 

One of the questions I often ask clients is “What would you do if you could not fail?” And most of the clients I speak with don’t have an answer. They’ve lost touch with their dreams...they’ve lost touch with themselves, and instead, they often attach their job titles, relationship status, and motherhood to their identity. A divorce can be disastrous and lead to anxiety, depression, and devastation when the titles of MRS. and WIFE are dissolved. A job or career can easily become who you think you are...nurse, teacher, executive, business owner, waitress, retailer, etc. as can the titles of mother and grandmother. When the children grow up and leave, many women become empty nesters...and feel even more isolated and lost.

So, what would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

In what ways can we help you achieve your dreams? For most people, an accountability partner is key to success. That’s why a coach or mentor becomes invaluable to helping you make progress and activate your dreams.

Answering the tough questions will also help with discovering and finding clarity, purpose, and direction. Developing life management practices such as self-care, gratitude, and forgiveness practices can catapult your transformation. Designing a plan of action, knowing who you want to be, and where you’d like to go are all essential to taking an ordinary life to an extraordinary life.

Purchase A House With Four Rooms eBook at Amazon HERE

Knowing the what is just the beginning; learning the how and doing the work is what makes the makes your precious time a true gift when you invest in your personal development.

What could you do now to give your future a prepare for your best year yet? 

I’ll share what I’ve done and what I’m having my clients do...we prepared Vision Boards, but not just for the “stuff” we want to have in our lives, but more of a Self-Portrait...identifying who we’ve come here to be...a visual of our values, beliefs, and characteristics...the human traits we want to dominate our lives. 

The companion workbook to my eBook Get YOUR Copy of A House With Four Rooms here is available for free gift with purchase with a downloadable link in the book. The journal prompts and exercises will help you discover purpose, set goals, and create your personal Intentional Life

So, once again I ask, "How do YOU want to spend your precious gift of time?

Until next time...


P.S. The new book and the companion workbook are full of ideas that can transform your's part memoir and part guide as it teaches the philosophy of the Indian Proverb A House With Four Rooms. If you've gotten your copy, I'd love for you to leave a review and rating to help others find this little book. Thank you for your help in getting the message out there and having a positive impact to help others live a healthy and happy life.


The life philosophy of A House With Four RoomsĀ suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
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