Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Cyber Monday

personal growth professional goals unlimited laser coaching

Cyber Monday

We've had Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and now Cyber Monday. This is another example of how quickly time is passing. Before you know it, it the holidays season will be over and the New Year, 2021 will have started. And before time gets away from you, I’m reaching out one more time to see if you’d let me coach you for 6 months in my new 15-minute laser coaching program meant to help you focus, accelerate, and progress towards the life you want...your best life.

I’m upleveling 2021 with my personal and professional goals because if nothing else, this past year has taught me the value of my time and how time continues to pass by no matter what is going on in the world...even if I'm physically distancing myself be staying home.

Another thing I learned was how BUSY lots of women are as they continue to try to homeschool their children and pursue their professional goals. I've had so many conversations with women that describe themselves as being overwhelmed, depressed, and tired. These feelings are quite natural giving the circumstances and the outdated belief systems many of us continue to live our lives by. It's no wonder so many people are unhappy, tired, and unfulfilled.  

This doesn't have to be YOU...I'm inviting you to join me with Unlimited Laser unique system to help busy women focus, accelerate, and progress towards personal and professional goals.

If you haven’t had a chance to sign up, but want one of the remaining spots, just click here Unlimited Laser Coaching Sessions.

Knowing you’re ready for transformation and change to get 2021 off to a great start, I see you doing really well with this coaching program. But, if you’re not sure if I’m the right person to help you get results, please sign up anyway and have that first call with me. I’ll refund your money immediately if either of us feels it’s not a good fit.

Or if you have any questions, please ask them — the time is now, and I’m really hoping to include you because if you read my lifestyle blog, I think you know the importance of creating healthy routines.

Thanks for considering the program. You can Click HERE to have your first (no-risk) call with me..

With love and light,


P.S. Just a quick reminder about how the coaching program works:

1. Click here to enroll in Unlimited Laser Coaching Sessions 

2. You’ll get an email from me with a link to my calendar so we can have our first coaching session.

3. Your first call is 30 minutes to make sure the coaching is perfect for you. We’ll come up with a custom plan to help you focus, accelerate, and progress towards your goals.

4. At the end of our call, and each call thereafter, we’ll agree on next best ACTION STEPS (homework) that will move you forward and keep you accountable.

5. Once your homework is complete, you can schedule your next 15-minute call.

For example, have your coaching session on a Wednesday, do your homework right after the call, and you can schedule your next call that very same day. Truly Unlimited Coaching!

And don’t worry, if you get stuck on the homework or need support between calls, I’m just an email away.

Enroll in Unlimited Laser Coaching Sessions and prepare to focus, accelerate, and progress towards your personal and professional goals.

The life philosophy of A House With Four RoomsĀ suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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