Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Cultivating a Can Do Mindset

intentional life welcome home seminar

Cultivating a Can Do Mindset

My childhood set me up to fail. My parents left me out in the cold, and my teachers looked the other way or let things slide when they found out I was homeless. I was one of those kids that should have fallen through the cracks, and I could have easily given up, but luckily, my mindset saved me, and it has saved me on more than one occasion, too.

Sometimes we hold ourselves back from living our best life by focusing on our limitations. We convince ourselves there's only so much we can do and that we can't progress farther. That's actually untrue in most cases. You can almost always improve in some way. The key is to change from a fixed mindset that says this is as good as it gets to a growth mindset in which you are aware that improvement is possible. Take a look at some ways you can cultivate a can do mindset in order to reach your goals:

Lose the Limitations

First, you'll need to shift your focus from your limitations to your potential. Instead of thinking, I'll never be able to do that, change your mindset to consider the possibilities. I recommend you learn the power of "yet" and use it as a mantra. Tell yourself that you may not be the very best, but you can practice and improve whatever skill it is you'd like to learn.

Embrace Failure

Fear of failure is a powerful motivator that can often hold us back. It's okay to fail. Tell yourself that failing is part of the growth process and part of getting better. Your failure doesn't define who you are. It's an essential aspect of life. When you fail, you learn what not to do. Step back, reflect on things, and step up to try again.

Know Your Strengths

It's easy to identify our weaknesses. For some reason, though, we have a hard time naming our strengths. This is something you need to overcome if you want to cultivate a can do mindset. Several of the exercises offered in A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership focus on identifying your strengths because we use them to narrow our focus, set goals, and design an Intentional Life.

Everyone has talents, skills, and positive personality traits. Get in touch with yours. Ask a trusted friend if you aren't sure what those are. When you gain confidence in your abilities, you'll be more open to experiencing growth.

Take on Challenges

Don't shy away from challenges. Instead, take them on with gusto. The above points should help you to overcome mental obstacles that may be holding you back. Trying something that is challenging is a surefire way to grow and to gain a wide variety of skills. You'll also be opening yourself up to some potentially wonderful experiences.

Look for Inspiration

Comparison is a killer when it comes to self-confidence and living your best life. Don't tell yourself all the ways you're not as good as someone else. Instead, look to them for inspiration. Find ways that you can become motivated by their skill or success. Then set out to bring those characteristics to your own personal experience.

A benefit of becoming a member in A Pilgrimage to Self is that you make connections with others and have an accountability partner to keep you on track; after all, don't you want to make progress on your goals?

Use these tips as a guide for embracing a can do mindset. Pay attention to the ways in which your thought process begins to change and to the experiences you become open to having. Enjoy the process.

 If you'd like to get an "insider peek" at A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership, join the Welcome Home Seminar. It's pretty simple. You can join with the link below.

  • You'll provide your name and email address, create a login and password, and make the processing fee.
  • There is a Welcome Letter and information to proceed to your personal library created on A House With Four Rooms website.
  • Starting on June 17th (or the date you register during the Open House), you'll receive 5 days of content material used in A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership to begin TRANSFORMING your life. 
  • You'll also receive a CHALLENGE for "airing" out your four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
  • Join our private Facebook group for additional tips and community with others interested in living an Intentional Life.
  • There are 5 days of lessons and CHALLENGES for "airing" out your rooms with philosophy of A House With Four only takes about 15 minutes to implement the content, and the benefits will last a lifetime.

This OPEN HOUSE is from June 17th through June 28th. You can register now to save your spot with this early-bird link:

Let me guide you on a sacred journey...a journey with A Pilgrimage to Self. 

Until next time...




The life philosophy of A House With Four RoomsĀ suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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