Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Simplify to Focus on What's Truly Important

simplify values

Simplify to Focus on What’s Truly Important

Modern life is often hectic, to say the least. As I've discussed previously, when you're incredibly busy, it's easy to find yourself living in survival mode. Going through the motions of life on auto pilot isn't a good strategy for embracing abundance. One way I've found to get back on track when you're feeling overwhelmed is to simplify things. Doing so will allow you to focus on what's truly important to you and to create a more fulfilling existence. Check out these tips to discover some strategies for prioritizing your life.

 Examine Your Values

 First and foremost, it's important to take stock of what's important to you in order to be sure you truly understand your priorities. It's easy to confuse what others may want for you or what you feel society expects of you with what you really desire out of life. This is why self-awareness is so important and recommended by A Pilgrimage to Self. So, take a moment to ask yourself some questions to get down to the nitty gritty. What is your purpose in life? If you don't know, start to ask yourself the simple question, "Why?" Keep asking until you discover the motivation for why you want a particular outcome. This answer should resonate with you and provide you with motivation to pursue your goals.

Finding your purpose and setting goals is an important Stepping Stone along the PATHS to Designing an Intentional Life. Check out the website for more information on A House With Four Rooms and A Pilgrimage to Self

Purge Possessions

 Once you've gained a clearer vision of what matters, you can then begin to form your life around that ideal. Begin by sorting through your possessions and getting rid of what no longer suits your purpose. You'll be amazed at what eliminating clutter and organizing your environment can do for your state of mind. When the process is done, you'll feel so much lighter. You'll also likely discover more value in the items that made the cut.

 A major lesson I learned while walking the Camino de Santiago was to evaluate what I carried by really identifying what I needed and what I wanted. Even though purging material goods is difficult for me, I've learned to release what doesn't serve me, bring me joy, or make me smile.

Free Your Time

Next comes the hard part for many. This is the stage that involves paring down the distractions you allow into your life, the things that keep you from focusing on what's truly meaningful. When we're distracted and overwhelmed, we can't allow abundance to flow. As we've discussed in previous posts, time is a finite resource. Deciding what's most important to you and eliminating the time distractions will free up this priceless resource so that you can dedicate yourself to living more fully.

 I try to be efficient in all that I do because I value my time, and I need to have "down" time to recharge. I also realize the importance of freeing up space to make room for other activities, people, and memories.

Living a more purposeful and intentional life attracts abundance to's amazing how much joy and happiness is involved. 

These steps should get you started on a path to living more purposefully. When you focus on what's most important to you, you're bound to invite similar things into your life.

I've experienced this myself for years. I've been able to travel to places many people only dream of and opportunities, material goods, and people all seem to come into my life for a reason. I'm so grateful for all the blessings and experiences I've had.

It wasn't always this way. My childhood experiences made it a necessity for me to discover how life works; I had to "figure it out" on my own. After my divorce, I had to design a new way of living, and once again, I was "figuring it out" on my own. I relied on research, reading, education, and plain and simple common sense to help me develop my PATHS to living an Intentional Life.  These are now the PATHS of A Pilgrimage to Self, my Transformational Life Coaching membership.

As I continue to focus on what's important to me, it has opened up doors of new opportunities and learning. For example, something that is of major importance to me is helping and inspiring as many people as possible experience a joyful, abundant, and intentional life. I'm able to do this as a Success Mentor, as a teacher and coach, and through my website, blog, and Facebook Page.

I'd love to be YOUR guide on the PATHS to Discovering, Designing, and Developing your Intentional Life. A Pilgrimage to Self is currently closed to new members; however, our next program is launching on December 23, 2018 for our 2019 New Year, New You program. YOU can receive the latest information and updates for A Pilgrimage to Self by subscribing below. I hope YOU'll be joining me on this next big adventure!







The life philosophy of A House With Four RoomsĀ suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
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